Error Code Manual Chapter3. Card Reader
© 2014
Nautilus Hyosung, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Problem Description
9313200 Fail to send command to device
Check the device cable and connection.
9313300 Abnormal communication after
device open success
Check the device cable and connection.
9341100 Fail to create sensor polling thread. Restart the Service Provider
9341300 Sensor polling thread is terminated. Restart the Service Provider
93A5600 Exception is occurred
Restart the Service Provider
93A9100 MCU device is out of order (Invalid
serial number)
Check serial number of MCU
93A9500 Fail to connect ESU or setting fail. Restart the Service Provider
9723010 Fail to connect device or initialize
Check the device cable and connection.
9723012 Fail to send command to device
Check the device cable and connection.
9723013 Fail to close device.
Check the device cable and connection.
9723019 Abnormal communication after
device open success
Check the device cable and connection.
9723040 Fail to create sensor polling thread. Restart the Service Provider
9723048 Sensor polling thread is terminated. Restart the Service Provider
9723058 Exception is occurred
Restart the Service Provider