Chapter4. Cash & Check In Module Error Code Manual
© 2014
Nautilus Hyosung Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Problem Description
[Initialize]FDS03, 04 Light Timeout
(500 ms) fault when separating
1. SCM(2) Open
2. Remove the notes and alien materials
in the SCM Separation and Send Check
(FDS01) sensor.
3. If no alien material exists in the SCM
Separation and Send Check (FDS01)
Check whether the sensor is polluted.
[Initialize]FDS02, 05 Light Timeout
(88 ms) fault when separating
1. SCM(2) Open
2. Remove the notes and alien materials
in the SCM Separation and Send Check
(FDS01) sensor and the Bundle.
3. If no alien material exists in the SCM
Separation and Send Check (FDS01)
Check whether the sensor is polluted.
[Initialize]SCM residual fault
(Timeout 500 ms) when
separating media.
1. SCM(2) Open
2. Remove the notes and alien materials
in the SCM and the Bundle.
3. Check the SCM Half Lock state.
4. If no alien material exists in the SCM,
check whether the SCM internal media
detection sensors (FDS01, FDS02,
FDS03, FDS04, FDS05) are polluted.
[Initialize]AAS06 entry detaction
sensor(AAS06) lisht timeout fault
when separating medis.
1. BC(3) and SCM(2) Open
2. Remove the notes and alien materials
in the BC, SCM. and Bundle.
3. Check the BC and SCM Half Lock
4. If no alien material exists in the BC
and SCM, check whether the SCM
internal media detection sensors
(FDS01, FDS02, FDS03, FDS04,
FDS05) are polluted.
[Initialize]2 or more media are
separated at one time.
1. SCM(2) Open
2. Remove the notes and alien materials
in the SCM and the Bundle.
3. Check the SCM Half Lock state.
4. If no alien material exists in the SCM,
check whether the SCM internal media
detection sensors (FDS01, FDS02,
FDS03, FDS04, FDS05) are polluted.
[Initialize]Bundle Sub action
1. Execute CCIM initialization action.
2. Reboot the system when the same
error occurs after initialization.
[Initialize]2 or more media are
separated at one time.
1. SCM(2) Open
2. Remove the notes and alien materials
in the SCM and the Bundle.
3. Check the SCM Half Lock state.
4. If no alien material exists in the SCM,
check whether the SCM internal media
detection sensors (FDS01, FDS02,
FDS03, FDS04, FDS05) are polluted.