Chapter4. Cash & Check In Module Error Code Manual
© 2014
Nautilus Hyosung Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Problem Description
[Deposit Cancel]Sensor fault when
preparing for separation of media.
1. Check the inside of the Bundle(1).
2. Remove the notes and alien materials
in the Bundle entry part (BDS01,
BDS02) sensors.
3. If no alien material exists, check
whether the sensor is polluted.
[Deposit Cancel]When trying to
discharge the media, the number
of retries exceeds the limit.
1. Check the inside of the Bundle(1).
2. Check the Reject and the Bundle
connection parts and then remove
residual banknotes and the alien
3. If no alien material exists, check
whether the sensor in the Bundle(1) is
[Deposit Cancel]Fault of receiving
media returned due to low-speed
moving path up.
1. Open the door at the Bundle side and
remove the residual media.
2. Check and remove the alien materials
in the Bundle low-speed wheel position
control (BDS14) sensor.
3. If no alien material exists, check
whether the sensor is polluted.
4. Initialize the device.
[Deposit Cancel]Fault of calling a
undefined command from Bundle.
1. Execute CCIM initialization.
2. Reboot the system when the same
error occurs after initialization.
[Deposit Cancel]Fault of
performing a undefined process
flow from Bundle.
1. Execute CCIM initialization.
2. Reboot the system when the same
error occurs after initialization.
[Deposit Cancel]BDS06 Dark
Timeout when performing low-
speed moving path down
1. Execute CCIM initialization.
2. Check whether the sensor (BDS06)
detecting the Bundle low-speed moving
path media is polluted when the same
error occurs after initialization.
[Deposit Cancel]Media remaining
at the SCM and BC part.
1. BC(3) and SCM(2) Open
2. Remove the notes and alien materials
in the BC, SCM. and Bundle.
3. Check the BC and SCM Half Lock
4. If no alien material exists in the BC
and SCM, check whether the SCM
internal media detection sensors
(FDS01, FDS02, FDS03, FDS04,
FDS05) are polluted.
[Deposit Cancel]Ultrasonic sensor
does not operate.
1. Execute CCIM initialization.
2. Reboot the system when the same
error occurs after initialization.
3. Check whether the SCM internal
ultrasonic sensor (FDS06) is polluted
when the same error occurs after
[Deposit Cancel]BC Task Timeout. 1. Check the cable connecting between
Main and BC (Connector CN37).
[Deposit Cancel]Bundle Task
1. Execute CCIM initialization.
2. Reboot the system when the same
error occurs after initialization.