GE Healthcare
Senographe DS
Revision 1
Service Information and Procedures Class A 2385072-16-8EN
Job Card TSG A001 - AWS Troubleshooting - No Display on Power Up
Page no. 1009
Chapter 9
Job Card TSG A001 - AWS Troubleshooting - No Display on Power Up
Chapter 9
This Job Card is intended as an aid to troubleshooting Acquisition Work-
station (AWS) start-up problems.
It must be used when a fault prevents the AWS or its monitor from pow-
ering up, or if a monitor problem makes the display unreadable. In such
circumstances, the usual error messages and on-board help files are
not usable.
The flow charts on the following pages suggest service actions (checks
or corrective actions) to be taken in response to observed symptoms.
The order in which the actions are given is intended to optimize trouble-
shooting efficiency. The actions take into account the probability of pos-
sible causes, and the time and cost required for the suggested service