Chapter 5
Page no. 372
GE Healthcare
Senographe DS
Revision 1
Service Information and Procedures Class A 2385072-16-8EN
Job Card PRE A001 - Checking for Damage
The damage checking process is split into two main phases.
The first phase must be undertaken during the
delivery complaint period
defined by your country con-
sumer laws (usually 14 days). So that in the event that external damage has occurred, the liability of
the damage can be attributed to the carrier company.
! Notice:
External (noted) damage must be reported to the carrier immediately upon discovery, or in any
event within the delivery complaint period (defined by your local consumer laws) after receiving the
delivery (e.g.14 days in the USA). A transportation company will not pay a claim for damage if a
post-delivery inspection
is not requested within the delivery complaint period defined by your coun-
try consumer laws (usually 14 days).
The second phase can be undertaken later during physical and electrical installation of the Senogra-
phe system. Any damage found during this phase is considered as either physical DOA or electrical
DOA, which is the responsibility of GE Healthcare manufacturing.
External visible
damage ?
Report damage and make
a transportation claim
Phase 2a:
Physical installation
No damage to report and
therefore no claim required
Conduct post delivery
inspection with carrier
Externally inspect packages
Internally inspect package contents
Internal visible
damage ?
Conduct delivery
inspection with carrier
Physical DOA?
Electrical DOA?
Phase 2b: Electrical installation
Phase 1:
Pre-installation/delivery time
Report damage and make
a manufacturing claim