Chapter 4
Page no. 346
GE Healthcare
Senographe DS
Revision 1
Service Information and Procedures Class A 2385072-16-8EN
Pre-Installation System Requirements
10-2. Layout Constraints for Positioning Gantry, Generator, and Control Station
The layout and positioning of the Gantry, Generator, and Control Station depend on various factors sum-
marized below:
Minimum "trapping zone" safety clearance (as defined by
CEI 60601-1 3rd Edition Trap-
ping Zone
) around the motorized moving parts of the Gantry is 500 mm. Therefore, the minimum
distance between the extreme positions of the Tube Head and any objects (e.g. wall or Genera-
tor) must be a minimum of 500 mm.
The Stop motion buttons are located on both sides of the Gantry, relatively far away from
the Control Station. Access to these buttons from the Control Station must be easy going around
the Control Station by the left or by the right.
Protection of the Operator, such that the X-ray dose level they receive is within a safe level
(as defined by
Directive Euratom 96 29
). X-rays emitted from the Tube Head are attenuated to a
safe level when the default radiation screen supplied with the system is at least 1000 mm from the
Tube Head at an angle of 0°.
All sides of the three components need access for servicing.
Gantry: 200 mm between the rear edge of the Gantry baseplate and the wall.
Generator: 100 mm on either left/right side of the Generator where the cables can exit. The
two power control buttons on the front side must be facing outwards away from the wall.
The Generator is on wheels, so it can easily be moved during servicing.
Control Station: A clearance of 300 mm from the Control Station baseplate right edge, so
access to the UPS, IDC and ADS cables are possible.
System Use
Generator: 100 mm at the rear side to allow uninhibited air flow.
Control Station: The path of the Rotative Arm must be such that the LCD Monitor does not
come into contact with the Tube Head, wall, or other objects.
Clinical Use
Control Station: A clearance of 700 mm from the Control Station baseplate front edge, so
that the Operator has a clearance of 500 mm with a fully expanded keyboard.
Control Station: A clearance of 50 mm from the Control Station baseplate left edge, so that
the Operator can open the integrated CD-ROM.
Easy access to the patient area. Stretchers and other mobile hospital equipment must be
able to reach the table quickly.
Clinicians in the patient area must be able to communicate easily with operators and others
in the control area.
Operators must have easy access to the X-ray Console. However, the X-ray Console and
ancillary handswitches must be positioned so that the operator can only take exposures while
behind the radiation shield.
The distances given above correspond to a minimum, but it remains the responsibility of the local
installation services team to ensure that the country regulations are followed. For example, in the
United States the Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations must
be taken into account, such that an Egress of 28" (711 mm) is respected.