Chapter 9
Page no. 1702
GE Healthcare
Senographe DS
Revision 1
Service Information and Procedures Class A 2385072-16-8EN
Job Card CAL A045 - Conversion Factor Measurement
1. Launch the Service Desktop (see
2. From the Service Desktop, click the
and select
Detector/Detector/CF Mea-
3. Before starting the calibration, follow the on-screen instructions for pre-requisites.
4. Select
Conversion Factor Measurement
and start.
5. Follow the on–screen instructions;
a. Remove the Bucky and the compression paddle.
b. Install the Dosimeter Support.
c. Install the Radiation Protection Plate.
d. Place the IQST phantom on the dosimeter support and the dosimeter in the low position (Source–
Dosimeter Distance = 622.5 mm).
e. Take an exposure (parameters set automatically: Rh/Rh; 30 kV; 56 mAs).
f. Read the dosimeter and enter the dose value (in microGray or mR).
g. Remove the Dosimeter and Radiation Protection Plate.
h. Take a second exposure using the same technique.
6. The IDC calculates the brightness level in the pre-defined region of interest.
7. The IDC computes the counts/microGray value and checks the result. If good, it displays the mes-
Calibration successful
Error codes
Calibration calculation failed.
If you are handing the machine back to the user at this point, switch the Senographe off, then on again.