GE Healthcare
Senographe DS
Revision 1
Service Information and Procedures Class A 2385072-16-8EN
Job Card LOTO A001 - Lock-Out / Tag-Out (LOTO) Procedures
Page no. 379
The LOTO procedure is a series of important steps that must be followed. To perform the LOTO proce-
dure, follow the steps descirbed in the following sub-sections.
Prepare the equipment for switch-off
1. Have the site specific LOTO procedure available to hand. This may vary from site to site and
depends on the Mains Distribution Panel at the hospital. The specific LOTO procdure will be similar
in content to this Job Card, but may address items that are specific to the hospital configuration.
2. Inform all the users of the Senographe system that it is currently decommissioned from operation and
that they can no longer use the Senographe system until they are instructed that the Senographe
system is recommissioned.
Identify the energy sources on the system
1. Identify the electical energy source on the Mains Distribution Panel which supplies AC power to the
Line Supply Cable going into the Generator.
2. Identify those points where these energies exist in the system and their magnitude. For example,
there may be a connection between the socket on the Mains Distribution Panel and the entrance into
the Generator.
3. Identify the electical energy source which supplies electical power to the lamp cables going into the
Generator Relay board.
Switch the Senographe system OFF
1. To power off the Senographe system, click the
system shutdown
button located towards the bottom
right of the AWS Browser window. A confirmation message appears asking if the entire system
should be shut down. If your response is
, power is removed from the Senographe Essential
Gantry and other system components, while the Control Station begins a controlled shutdown,
designed to safeguard data. Complete system and UPS shut down takes about two minutes from
The Control Station follows an automatic shutdown procedure, which protects image and patient
data. No prompts are displayed. Do not disturb this procedure by attempting to enter commands
at this time.
2. Ensure that the Acquisition Workstation has completed its shutdown. Shutdown is complete when
there is no longer any display on the LCD Monitor screen; the screen appears black.