Chapter 3
Page no. 322
GE Healthcare
Senographe DS
Revision 1
Service Information and Procedures Class A 2385072-16-8EN
Cable Lay-out and Pin-out
2-1. Cable 2226625
AWS Line 1: SB150 (bottom Line 1) 9 pin
2-2. Cable 2226621
IDC - Detector Power Supply.
IDC SIB or Gitane 26 pin
2-3. Cable 2226612
IDC Conditioner Control
IDC to Gantry Bulkhead Area then Bulkhead Area to Conditioner.
2-4. Cable 2226613
IDC Generator Serial link.
IDC to Gantry Bulkhead Area then Bulkhead Area to Generator Interface 400 PL2 XJ10.
2-5. Cable 2226623
AWS UPS - Generator Link
SB150 - UPS to Gantry Bulkhead Area then Bulkhead Area to Generator Interface 400 PL2 XJ10.
2-6. Cable 2387162
ADS and UPS to Generator:
Mid connector to UPS serial I/O: UPS Serial
End connector to AWS serial I/O: SB150 Serial A
2-7. Cable 2240227 or 2244615
IDC (COM and Serial) to Generator:
50-pin connector to IDC serial I/O
9-pin connector IDC COM 2
2-8. Cable 2340426
IDC optical fiber port
2-9. Cable 2385966
Ethernet switch port 3: Switch C3. Connects the Control Station to the Gantry CPU.
3-1. AC Conditioner
Main Distribution Rack XP4 to Conditioner.
3-2. FFDM Main Distribution Link
Generator Relay Board 400 PL2 to Main Distribution Rack J9.