GE Healthcare
Senographe DS
Revision 1
Service Information and Procedures Class A 2385072-16-8EN
Job Card TSG A010 - Troubleshooting Bad Pixel Calibration Failure
Page no. 1021
Chapter 9
in the list.
! Notice:
Make sure to strictly perform all calibration required for correction as stated in
IQ Check Test - Object in Field of View
The goal of this test is to:
Control if the correct phantom (flat field phantom, 2.5 cm Lucite) is in place and correctly located so
that it covers Field of View.
Detect and warn if objects other than the flat field phantom such as the ACR, IQST phantom are in
the Field of View.
Detect and warn if highly attenuating objects (such as screwdrivers, screws or other metal objects)
are in the Field of View.
If this test fails, the calibration is aborted and the following message appears:
"Unexpected object in FOV"…
3-1-2-1 Root Cause
The system was incorrectly set-up during bad pixel calibration.
3-1-2-2 Corrective Action
Ensure that the bucky is removed, that no compression paddle is installed, and that no object is in the
Field of View. Then perform bad pixel calibration with the flat field phantom as instructed.
IQ Check Test - Collimator in Field of View
The purpose of this test is to check that the collimator is not in the Field of View. If this test fails, the cal-
ibration is aborted and the following message appears:
"Check collimator for full field of view"…
3-1-3-1 Root cause
The collimator is not properly calibrated.
3-1-3-2 Corrective Action
Before performing collimator format calibration, all detector calibrations must be cleared.
To clear all detector calibrations, follow these steps:
1. From the Service Desktop, select
Calibration -> Detector -> Clear Calibrations
2. Follow the instructions to perform the clear calibrations procedure as indicated.
3. Perform
Job Card CAL A029 - Collimator Format Calibration
IQ Check Test - X-Ray Field Shape
The purpose of this test is to check the level and uniformity of the image. If this test fails, the calibration
is aborted and the following message appears: