Permanent–magnet synchronous motor with field–weakening (PE spindle)
Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved
SIMODRIVE 611 universal Description of Functions (FBU) – 04.05 Edition
Commissioning 1FE1 motors
The following questions must be positively responded to before com-
missioning 1FE1 motors:
Are all of the prerequisites for commissioning checked and
were the points in the checklist for commissioning checked (refer to
Chapter 4.1)?
Is the motor used a standard or an unlisted motor?
– Standard motor?
The motor is in a list of permanent–magnet synchronous motors
with field weakening, and has an allocated motor code (refer to
Chapter A.3.2)?
When commissioning, the motor used is selected from a list.
– Unlisted motor?
The motor is not included in the list of permanent–magnet
synchronous motors with field–weakening, and it does not have
a motor code (refer to Chapter A.3.2)?
When commissioning, the data of the motor used must be avail-
able and must be manually entered.
The data required can be found in the table under the index entry
”Unlisted motor – parameters for PE spindle”.
Are the motor and encoder already mounted and ready to be pow-
ered up?
1FE1 motors are commissioned using the SimoCom U parameterizing
and start–up tool as follows:
1. Establish online operation
Operator action: e.g. with ”Commissioning – search for online
2. Configure the drive
Generally, the following is valid:
You can reach the next or the previous dialog box by pressing
”next” or ”back”.
– ”Drive name” dialog box
– ”Power module” dialog box (only if it is not automatically identi-
– ”Motor selection” dialog box for standard motors:
”Motor” field
”Motor type” field
–> Standard motor
–> 1FT6, 1FK6, 1FE1, 1FW6 (synchronous)
––> select the motor used
––> continue with the ”measuring system/encoder” dialog box
information on
1FE1 motors
1FE1 motors with
SimoCom U
4 Commissioning