Commissioning via SimoCom U
Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved
SIMODRIVE 611 universal Description of Functions (FBU) – 04.05 Edition
Password protection with SimoCom U (from SW 8.1)
Access protection using a password is possible in order to ensure that
when service is carried–out the drive configuration is not changed.
The ”SimoCom U” parameterizing and start–up tool has a password
input and change view in order to carry–out the following on a con-
nected drive:
Activate/de–activate the password protection
Define the password
Define the functions that are to be protected using the password
For a series commissioning, the password and the password configura-
tion are transferred to the drive just like any other parameter assign-
The password is not necessary to do the following:
Open files
Downloading files into a drive
The password must only be entered if the protected functions are to be
accessed in the file or in the drive.
SimoCom U allows the password function to be copied between sev-
eral drives.
The function ”Password protection” only functions with a ”SimoCom U”
parameterizing and start–up tool version
Proceed as follows when setting–up a password using the ”SimoCom
U” parameterizing and start–up tool:
1. Power–up the drive group
2. Start SimoCom U
3. Request that the required drive either goes into the offline or online
4. In the ”drive and dialog browser” (lefthand window), select the
”password” folder
5. Access to enter a PIN and browser to enter the functions to be pro-
tected is activated by a ”check” in the ”Activate password protection”
field (righthand window)
6. Enter a PIN (4–digit number from 1000...9999) and acknowledge
Procedure when
setting–up the
4 Commissioning