Default Packet Buffer allocate for the Interface: 141
Used Packet Buffer for the Interface: 0
----- Buffer Stats for Interface Fo 1/2 -----
Maximum Shared Limit for the Interface: 39856
Default Packet Buffer allocate for the Interface: 141
Used Packet Buffer for the Interface: 0
----- Buffer Stats for Interface Fo 1/3 -----
Maximum Shared Limit for the Interface: 39856
Default Packet Buffer allocate for the Interface: 141
Used Packet Buffer for the Interface: 0
----- Buffer Stats for Interface Fo 1/4 -----
Maximum Shared Limit for the Interface: 39856
Default Packet Buffer allocate for the Interface: 177
Used Packet Buffer for the Interface: 0
----- Buffer Stats for Interface Fo 1/5 -----
<output truncated for brevity>
Dell#show hardware linecard 0 bp-link-map
Back Plane HG Links
LinkId 0 1 2 3 4
5 22 23
NpuId/PortId 0/56 0/57 1/56 1/57 2/56
2/57 0/58 0/59
LinkId 24 25 26 27 44
45 46 47
NpuId/PortId 1/58 1/59 2/58 2/59 0/60
0/61 1/60 1/61
LinkId 48 49 66 67 68
69 70 71
NpuId/PortId 2/60 2/61 0/50 0/51 1/50
1/51 2/50 2/51
LinkId 88 89 90 91 92
93 110 111
NpuId/PortId 0/52 0/53 1/52 1/53 2/52
2/53 0/54 0/55
LinkId 112 113 114 115
NpuId/PortId 1/54 1/55 2/54 2/55
Back Plane GE Links
LinkId 138 139 140
NpuId/PortId 0/49 1/49 2/49
Debugging and Diagnostics