Functional Description
SLAU723A – October 2017 – Revised October 2018
Copyright © 2017–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
26.3.7 9-Bit UART Mode
The UART provides a 9-bit mode that is enabled with the 9BITEN bit in the UART9BITADDR register. This
feature is useful in a multi-drop configuration of the UART where a single master connected to multiple
slaves can communicate with a particular slave through its address or set of addresses along with a
qualifier for an address byte. All the slaves check for the address qualifier in the place of the parity bit and,
if set, then compare the byte received with the preprogrammed address. If the address matches, then it
receives or sends further data. If the address does not match, it drops the address byte and any
subsequent data bytes. If the UART is in 9-bit mode, then the receiver operates with no parity mode. The
address can be predefined to match with the received byte and it can be configured with the
UART9BITADDR register. The matching can be extended to a set of addresses using the address mask in
the UART9BITAMASK register. By default, the UART9BITAMASK is 0xFF, meaning that only the specified
address is matched.
When not finding a match, the rest of the data bytes with the ninth bit cleared are dropped. If a match is
found, then an interrupt is generated to the NVIC for further action. The subsequent data bytes with the
cleared ninth bit are stored in the FIFO. Software can mask this interrupt in case
operations are enabled for this instance and processor intervention is not required. All the send
transactions with 9-bit mode are data bytes and the ninth bit is cleared. Software can override the ninth bit
to be set (to indicate address) by overriding the parity settings to sticky parity with odd parity enabled for a
particular byte. To match the transmission time with correct parity settings, the address byte can be
transmitted as a single then a burst transfer. The transmit FIFO does not hold the address/data bit, hence
software should enable the address bit appropriately.
26.3.8 FIFO Operation
The UART has two 16x8 FIFOs; one for transmit and one for receive. Both FIFOs are accessed via the
UART Data (UARTDR) register (see
). Read operations of the UARTDR register return a
12-bit value consisting of eight data bits and four error flags while write operations place 8-bit data in the
transmit FIFO.
Out of reset, both FIFOs are disabled and act as 1-byte-deep holding registers. The FIFOs are enabled by
setting the FEN bit in UARTLCRH (
FIFO status can be monitored through the UART Flag (UARTFR) register (see
) and the
UART Receive Status (UARTRSR) register. Hardware monitors empty, full, and overrun conditions. The
UARTFR register contains empty and full flags (TXFE, TXFF, RXFE, and RXFF bits), and the UARTRSR
register shows overrun status with the OE bit. If the FIFOs are disabled, the empty and full flags are set
according to the status of the 1-byte-deep holding registers.
The trigger points at which the FIFOs generate interrupts is controlled via the UART Interrupt FIFO Level
Select (UARTIFLS) register (see
). Both FIFOs can be individually configured to trigger
interrupts at different levels. Available configurations include
, ¼, ½, ¾, and
. For example, if the ¼
option is selected for the receive FIFO, the UART generates a receive interrupt after four data bytes are
received. Out of reset, both FIFOs are configured to trigger an interrupt at the ½ mark.
26.3.9 Interrupts
The UART can generate interrupts when the following conditions are observed:
Overrun error
Break error
Parity error
Framing error
Receive time-out
Transmit (when condition defined in the TXIFLSEL bit in the UARTIFLS register is met, or if the EOT
bit in UARTCTL is set, when the last bit of all transmitted data leaves the serializer)
Receive (when condition defined in the RXIFLSEL bit in the UARTIFLS register is met)