EPI Registers
SLAU723A – October 2017 – Revised October 2018
Copyright © 2017–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
External Peripheral Interface (EPI)
Table 16-19. EPIHB16CFG Register Field Descriptions (continued)
Host Bus Sub-Mode This field determines which of three Host Bus
16 sub-modes to use.
Submode use is determined by the connected external peripheral.
See for information on how this bit field affects the operation of the
EPI signals.
When used with multiple chip select option and the CSBAUD bit is
set to 1 in the EPIHB16CFG2 register, this configuration is for CS0n.
If the multiple chip select option is enabled and CSBAUD is clear, all
chip-selects use the MODE encoding programmed in this register.
0x0 = ADMUX - AD[15:0]Data and Address are muxed.
0x1 = ADNONMUX - D[15:0]Data and address are separate. This
mode is not practical in HB16 mode for normal peripherals because
there are generally not enough address bits available.
0x2 = Continuous Read - D[15:0]This mode is the same as
ADNONMUX, but uses address switch for multiple reads instead of
OEn strobing. This mode is not practical in HB16 mode for normal
SRAMs because there are generally not enough address bits
0x3 = XFIFO - D[15:0]This mode adds XFIFO controls with sense of
XFIFO full and XFIFO empty. This mode uses no address or
ALE.Note that the XFIFO can only be used in asynchronous mode.