NVIC Registers
SLAU723A – October 2017 – Revised October 2018
Copyright © 2017–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Cortex-M4 Peripherals
2.4.6 PRI0 to PRI28 Registers
Interrupt 0-3 Priority (PRI0), offset 0x400
Interrupt 4-7 Priority (PRI1), offset 0x404
Interrupt 8-11 Priority (PRI2), offset 0x408
Interrupt 12-15 Priority (PRI3), offset 0x40C
Interrupt 16-19 Priority (PRI4), offset 0x410
Interrupt 20-23 Priority (PRI5), offset 0x414
Interrupt 24-27 Priority (PRI6), offset 0x418
Interrupt 28-31 Priority (PRI7), offset 0x41C
Interrupt 32-35 Priority (PRI8), offset 0x420
Interrupt 36-39 Priority (PRI9), offset 0x424
Interrupt 40-43 Priority (PRI10), offset 0x428
Interrupt 44-47 Priority (PRI11), offset 0x42C
Interrupt 48-51 Priority (PRI12), offset 0x430
Interrupt 52-55 Priority (PRI13), offset 0x434
Interrupt 56-59 Priority (PRI14), offset 0x438
Interrupt 60-63 Priority (PRI15), offset 0x43C
Interrupt 64-67 Priority (PRI16), offset 0x440
Interrupt 68-71 Priority (PRI17), offset 0x444
Interrupt 72-75 Priority (PRI18), offset 0x448
Interrupt 76-79 Priority (PRI19), offset 0x44C
Interrupt 80-83 Priority (PRI20), offset 0x450
Interrupt 84-87 Priority (PRI21), offset 0x454
Interrupt 88-91 Priority (PRI22), offset 0x458
Interrupt 92-95 Priority (PRI23), offset 0x45C
Interrupt 96-99 Priority (PRI24), offset 0x460
Interrupt 100-103 Priority (PRI25), offset 0x464
Interrupt 104-107 Priority (PRI26), offset 0x468
Interrupt 108-111 Priority (PRI27), offset 0x46C
Interrupt 112- 113 Priority (PRI28), offset 0x470
This register can only be accessed from privileged mode.
The PRIn registers provide 3-bit priority fields for each interrupt. These registers are byte accessible. Each
register holds four priority fields that are assigned to interrupts as follows:
PRIn Register Bit Field
Bits 31:29
Interrupt [4n+3]
Bits 23:21
Interrupt [4n+2]
Bits 15:13
Interrupt [4n+1]
Bits 7:5
Interrupt [4n]