Rev. 1.0, 02/00, page 478 of 1141
When, with the I
C bus format selected, IRIC is set to 1 and an interrupt is generated, other flags
must be checked in order to identify the source that set IRIC to 1. Although each source has a
corresponding flag, caution is needed at the end of a transfer.
When the TDRE or RDRF internal flag is set, the readable IRTR flag may or may not be set. The
IRTR flag (the DTC start request flag) is not set at the end of a data transfer up to detection of a
retransmission start condition or stop condition after a slave address (SVA) or general call address
match in I
C bus format slave mode.
Even when the IRIC flag and IRTR flag are set, the TDRE or RDRF internal flag may not be set.
The IRIC and IRTR flags are not cleared at the end of the specified number of transfers in
continuous transfer using the DTC. The TDRE or RDRF flag is cleared, however, since the
specified number of ICDR reads or writes have been completed.
Table 23.3 shows the relationship between the flags and the transfer states.
Note: *
This LSI does not incorporate DTC.