End of address
changed handler
Address changed
Application specific
action to handle default
state to addressed
state transition
Application specific
action to handle
addressed state to
default state
ADD = 1 ?
USB Device Controller
SPNU503C – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Universal Serial Bus (USB)
29.3.19 Device State Address Changed Handler
When a address changed interrupt occurs, the USB device has received a set address operation. When
this occurs, the address-changed handler performs the operations shown in
Figure 29-73. Address Changed Handler
29.3.20 USB Device Reset Interrupt Handler
When a USB reset occurs, the USB module generates a general USB interrupt to the CPU (see
). The CPU responds to this interrupt by performing the following operations:
Cancels any ongoing USB transaction and/or control transfer handling
Clears any copies that the application has of configuration number or alternate interface numbers
Clears any application-specific information relating to halted endpoints
Clears any application-specific information relating to the remote wake enable flag
Clears any application-specific information relating to the suspend mode flag
Clears any application-specific copy of the frame number