Instruction Set
SPNU503C – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
High-End Timer (N2HET) Module
If (Angle Comp. bit == 0 OR (Angle Comp. bit == 1 AND NAF_global == 1))
If (Selected register value == Immediate data field value)
If (hr_lr bit == 0)
If (Enable Pin action == 1)
Selected Pin = Pin Action AT next loop resolution clock + HR delay;
If (Enable Pin action == 1)
Selected Pin = Pin Action AT next loop resolution clock;
If (Z == 1 AND Opposite action == 1)
If (Enable Pin action == 1)
Selected Pin = opposite Pin Action AT next loop resolution clock;
If (Interrupt Enable == 1) HETFLG[n] = 1;
/* n depends on address */
If ([C28:C27] == 01) Generate request on request line [P25:P23];
If ([C28:C27] == 11)Generate quiet request on request line [P25:P23];
If (register R is selected) R register = Compare value (32 bit);
If (register S is selected) S register = Compare value (32 bit);
If (register T is selected) T register = Compare value (32 bit);
Jump to Conditional Address;
elseIf (Z == 1 AND Opposite action == 1)
If (Enable Pin action == 1)
Selected Pin = opposite Pin Action AT next loop resolution clock;
Jump to Next Program Address;
// Angle Comp. bit == 1 AND NAF_global == 0
Jump to Next Program Address;
The specific interrupt flag that is triggered depends on the address from which the instruction is executed,