SPNU503C – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
High-End Timer Transfer Unit (HTU) Module
21.1 Overview
The HET transfer unit is a dedicated direct memory access controller that transfers data between the
N2HET RAM and RAM buffers located in the main memory address range. This eliminates time
consuming CPU accesses to the N2HET RAM to gather measurement data or creating output waveforms
and thus freeing up the CPU to perform other tasks.
21.1.1 Features
Independently transfers data between the N2HET and the main memory
8 double control packets supporting dual buffer configuration
Transfer requests generated by N2HET instructions/events
One shot, circular and auto switch buffer transfer modes for each double control packet for flexible
buffer handling
Constant and post-increment addressing modes
32- or 64-bit transactions
Programmable memory protection region
Parity protect control packet RAM
Extensive diagnostic functionality