Rev. 1.0, 02/00, page 278 of 1141
TMJ-2 Expansion Function
The TMJ-2 expansion function is enabled by setting the EXN bit in the timer J control register
(TMJC) to 0. This function makes TMJ-2, which usually works as an 8-bit counter, work as a 16-
bit counter. When this function is selected, timer counter K (TCK) and timer load register K
(TLK) must be accessed as follows:
TCK Read: To read TCK, use the word-length MOV instruction. In this case, the upper 8 bits of
TCK are read out to the lower byte of the on-chip data bus, and the lower 8 bits are read out to the
upper byte of the on-chip data bus. That is, when MOV.W @TCK, Rn is executed, the lower 8
bits of TCK are stored in RnH and the upper 8 bits are stored in RnL.
TLK Write: To write to TLK, use the word-length MOV instruction. In this case, the upper 8 bits
are written to the lower byte of TLK, and the lower 8 bits are written to the upper byte of TLK.
That is, when MOV.W Rn, @TLK is executed, the RnH data is written to the lower byte of TLK,
and the RnL data is written to the upper byte of TLK.