Rev. 1.0, 02/00, page 397 of 1141
Section 22 Serial Communication Interface 1 (SCI1)
The serial communication interface (SCI) can handle both asynchronous and clocked synchronous
serial communication. A function is also provided for serial communication between processors
(multiprocessor communication function).
SCI1 features are listed below.
Choice of asynchronous or synchronous serial communication mode
Asynchronous mode
Serial data communication is executed using an asynchronous system in which
synchronization is achieved character by character
Serial data communication can be carried out with standard asynchronous
communication chips such as a Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
or Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter (ACIA)
A multiprocessor communication function is provided that enables serial data
communication with a number of processors
Choice of 12 serial data transfer formats
Data length: 7 or 8 bits
Stop bit length: 1 or 2 bits
Parity: Even, odd, or none
Multiprocessor bit: 1 or 0
Receive error detection: Parity, overrun, and framing errors
Break detection: Break can be detected by reading the SI1 pin level directly in case of a
framing error
Clock synchronous mode
Serial data communication is synchronized with a clock
Serial data communication can be carried out with other chips that have a synchronous
communication function
One serial data transfer format
Data length: 8 bits
Receive error detection: Overrun errors detected