Rev. 1.0, 02/00, page 405 of 1141
Bit 3
Stop Bit Length (STOP): Selects 1 or 2 bits as the stop bit length in asynchronous mode.
The STOP bit setting is only valid in asynchronous mode. If synchronous mode is set the STOP
bit setting is invalid since stop bits are not added.
Bit 3
1 stop bit
(Initial value)
2 stop bits
Notes: 1. In transmission, a single 1 bit (stop bit) is added to the end of a transmit character
before it is sent.
2. In transmission, two 1 bits (stop bits) are added to the end of a transmit character
before it is sent.
In reception, only the first stop bit is checked, regardless of the STOP bit setting. If the second
stop bit is 1, it is treated as a stop bit; if it is 0, it is treated as the start bit of the next transmit
Bit 2
Multiprocessor Mode (MP): Selects multiprocessor format. When multiprocessor format
is selected, the PE bit and O/
bit parity settings are invalid. The MP bit setting is only valid in
asynchronous mode; it is invalid in synchronous mode.
For details of the multiprocessor communication function, see section 22.3.3, Multiprocessor
Communication Function.
Bit 2
Multiprocessor function disabled
(Initial value)
Multiprocessor format selected