Rev. 1.0, 02/00, page 325 of 1141
Bit 6
Input Capture Flag B (ICFB): This status flag indicates the fact that the value of the
FRC has been transferred to the ICRB by the input capture signals.
When the BUFEB of the TCRX is being set to 1, the ICFB indicates the status that the FRC value
has been transferred to the ICRB by the input capture signals and that the ICRB value before being
updated has been transferred to the ICRC.
This flag should be cleared by use of the software. Such setting should only be made by use of the
hardware. It is not possible to make this setting using a software.
Bit 6
[Clearing conditions]
(Initial value)
When 0 is written into the ICFB after reading the ICFB under the setting of ICFB = 1
[Setting conditions]
When the value of the FRC has been transferred to the ICRB by the input capture
Bit 5
Input Capture Flag C (ICFC): This status flag indicates the fact that the value of the
FRC has been transferred to the ICRC by the input capture signals.
When an input capture signal occurs while the BUFEA of the TCRX is being set to 1, although the
ICFC will be set out, data transference to the ICRC will not be performed.
Therefore, in buffer operation, the ICFC can be used as an external interrupt by setting the ICICE
bit to 1.
This flag should be cleared by use of the software. Such setting should only be made by use of the
hardware. It is not possible to make this setting using a software.
Bit 5
[Clearing conditions]
(Initial value)
When 0 is written into the ICFC after reading the ICFC under the setting of ICFC = 1
[Setting conditions]
When the input capture signal has occurred