Acquisition and waveform setup
User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
You can use inversion, for example, to switch the polarity of a differential signal without
changing the probe connections.
Remote command:
Connects the input to the ground.
Remote command:
Bandwidth settings
Access: "Menu" > "Vertical" > "Bandwidth"
The "Bandwidth" tab provides all settings that affect the bandwidth of the measurement
system. The channels are listed in horizontal subtabs. Make sure to select the correct
channel tab before you enter the settings.
Selects the bandwidth limit.
The specified bandwidth indicates the range of frequencies that the instrument can
acquire and display accurately with less than 3dB attenuation. The probe has also a
limited bandwidth and thus affects the resulting system bandwidth.
See also:
At full bandwidth, all frequencies in the specified range are acquired
and displayed. Full bandwidth is used for most applications.
Vertical setup