Protocol analysis
User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
Status Word
Figure 13-24: Structure of a status word
The format of a status word consists of the following parts (see
Sync: an invalid Manchester waveform.
Remote Terminal (RT) Address: the unique address of the corresponding RT.
Message error: indicates an error in the command/data word transmission from the
BC. A logic 1 indicates presence of a message error and a logic 0 indicates its
Instrumentation: helps to distinguish between a status word and a command word.
The logic state of this bit shall be 0.
Service Request: indicates that the RT requires service. A logic 1 indicates a pres-
ence of a service request and logic 0 indicates its absence.
Reserved: bits reserved for future uses.
Broadcast Command: a logic 1 indicates that the preceding valid command word
was a broadcast command and a logic 0 that it was not.
Busy: a busy state indicates that the RT or the subsystem is not able to transfer
data. A logic 1 indicates a presence of a busy condition and logic 0 indicates its
Subsystem Flag: flags a subsystem fault. A logic 1 indicates a presence of a flag
and logic 0 indicates its absence.
Dynamic Bus Control Acceptance: a logic 1 indicates acceptance of a dynamic bus
control and a logic 0 a rejection.
Terminal Flag: flags an RT fault condition. A logic 1 indicates a presence of a flag
and logic 0 indicates its absence.
Parity: checks if there are bit errors during the transmission. The total number of
logic 1 bits for the word (sync bits not included) shall be odd.
For comfortable analysis, you can load an editable label list, to interpret transferred
numeric values as meaningful text labels.
MIL-1553 (option R&S