Instrument setup
User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
If you want to store the file in another directory than the default one, select
Chapter 12.5, "File selection dialog"
To restore the instrument settings to user-defined default values
1. Open the "Menu" > "Settings" > "Preset" tab.
2. Tap "Open" and select the preset file that contains the required settings.
The instrument settings are restored to values that are stored in the file.
3. To use these settings as preset values, select "Enable user-defined preset".
4. Press the [Preset] key.
To restore all settings to the factory defaults
1. Open the "Menu" > "Settings" > "Preset" > "Factory " tab.
2. Tap the "Restore factory defaults" button.
All settings on the R&S
RTO6 are reset to their factory-defined values. As long as
no user-defined preset file is loaded and "Enable user defined preset " is disabled,
the [Preset] key also resets the instrument settings to factory defaults.
Maintenance settings
In the "Settings" > "Maintenance" dialog box, you define the the look and feel of the
display element, e.g. waveform colors, result position, or grid behavior.
Firmware update
Access: "Menu" > "Settings" >"Maintenance" > "FW Update"
Your instrument is delivered with the latest firmware version. Firmware updates are
provided on the internet at:
The "Release Notes" describe the improvements and modifications of all firmware ver-
sions. They also explain how to update the firmware. They are available along with the
firmware on the same web page.
When data from several input channels is displayed at the same time, it may be neces-
sary to align the data vertically or horizontally to synchronize the time bases or ampli-
tudes and positions. This is the case, for example, when strong temperature changes
occur (> 5°).
Maintenance settings