Getting started
User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
The grid shows the vertical and horizontal divisions. The division lines are labeled with
the correspondent values. The grid labels have the color of the waveform to which they
belong. If several waveforms are shown in one diagram, the grid has the color of the
selected waveform.
Trigger position and trigger level
The blue markers show the horizontal position of the trigger and the vertical trigger
level. You can touch and move the trigger markers in the diagram to set the positions.
The trigger point is the zero point of the diagram.
The trigger position can be moved outside the diagram. A red trigger position marker
indicates that the trigger position is not visible.
Trigger, Horizontal, Acquisition
The "Trigger", "Horizontal" and "Acquisition" labels show the main timebase and trigger
settings. If you tap a label, the relevant dialog box opens.
Figure 3-4: Trigger label on the toolbar
1 = Trigger source
2 = Trigger type
3 = Trigger level
4 = Trigger mode
5 = Trigger state
6 = Trigger slope
Figure 3-5: Horizontal label on the toolbar
1 = Time scale
2 = Horizontal position
Figure 3-6: Acquisition label on the toolbar
1 = Sample rate
2 = Record length
3 = Decimation
4 = Number of acquired waveforms
Operating the instrument