Protocol analysis
User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
Qualify settings
Access: [App Cockpit]> "Analysis" > "DDR Eye" > "Qualify" tab
Using the qualification settings, you can restrict the slices that contribute to the eye dia-
gram. The restriction can be in horizontal direction (gate), or in vertical direction using
the reference level.
You can configure and analyze up to four independent eye diagrams in parallel (vertical
subtabs Eye
1 to Eye
4). Make sure to select the correct eye diagram subtab on the
left before you adjust the settings.
Restricts the contributing slices in horizontal direction. Only the timestamps within the
defined horizontal interval qualify for eye generation.
To apply the gate settings, enable the "State".
The gate definition is the same as gate definition for measurements, but the gates are
independent. You can define the gate in one of these ways:
Enter absolute time values for gate start and gate end: "Coupling mode = None"
and "Mode = Absolute". Set "Start" and "Stop" time.
Enter relative values for gate start and gate end: "Coupling mode = None" and
"Mode = Relative". Set "Relative start" and "Relative stop" in percent.
If a cursor measurement is active, you can use the vertical cursor lines as gate lim-
its: "Coupling mode = Cursor". Select the cursor set.
If a zoom is active, you can use the zoom limits as gate: "Coupling mode = Zoom".
Select the zoom.
DDR (option R&S
RTO6-K91 )