Protocol analysis
User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
CDR ← Reference signal
Uses a hardware clock data recovery.
Protocol ← Reference signal
If "Protocol" is selected as the reference type signal, the DDR source signal settings
are used for the timing information.
You can select the "Source" of the protocol signal. You can only select the protocols,
that are enabled.
Also some protocol-specific settings are displayed: "Type", "Bit rate", "Variant".
Remote command:
Horizontal settings
Defines the horizontal settings.
Time units ← Horizontal settings
Sets the method to define the horizontal scale of the eye diagram: as absolute time, or
in unit intervals. You can use unit interval, if the nominal frequency of the clock signal is
Indirectly, the horizontal scale determines the size of one waveform slice. The wave-
form slice must be fully contained in the waveform acquisition to contribute to the eye
Remote command:
Range, Position ← Horizontal settings
Available for
= "Absolute time"
Define the horizontal scale in absolute time.
DDR (option R&S
RTO6-K91 )