Protocol analysis
User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
<!-- ID Length of the Serial Message (in bits) -->
<!-- Data Length of the Serial Message (in bits) -->
<!-- This block defines the information of the Signals embedded
in the Data Field of the Frame (Transmission Sequence or Serial Message) -->
<sb:SIGNAL ID="Diagnostic">
<!-- Unique ID of the Signal (no effect on Translation) -->
<sb:SHORT-NAME>Diagnostic Code</sb:SHORT-NAME>
<!-- Name of the Signal -->
<!-- Info Field (no effect on Translation) -->
<!-- Starting Bit position of the Signal
(The whole Data Field is represented as MSB -> LSB Sequence) -->
<!-- Number of Bits representing the Signal Value -->
<!-- Byte Order of the Signal Value [MSB or LSB], Default: MSB -->
<!-- Representation of the Bits [ENUM, UNSIGNED_INT, INT, FLOAT, DOUBLE],
The Signal Value is calculated according to the following:
Translated_Value = Encoded_Value * OFFSET -->
<!-- Signal Factor (decimal value)-->
<!-- Signal Offset (decimal value)-->
<!-- Minimum Signal Value (decimal value) -->
<!-- Maximum Signal Value (decimal value) -->
<!-- This block is only valid (and taken into consideration)
when the VALUE-TYPE is ENUM
It defines the Enumeration List Translation of the Signal -->
<sb:ENUM INDEX="0" LABEL="No Error"/>
<!-- INDEX is the Enum Value (corresponds to the Signal Value in decimal),
LABEL is the matching Translated Signal Value -->
<sb:ENUM INDEX="1" LABEL="Channel 1 out of range high"/>
<!-- End of Signal Enumeration List Definition -->
<!-- End of a Signal Definition -->
<!-- More Signals can be defined here! -->
<!-- End of list of Signals Definition -->
<!-- End of Frame Definition -->
SENT (option R&S