GD32W51x User Manual
System and memory architecture
The devices of GD32W51x series are highly integrated 2.4GHz Wi-Fi System-on-Chip (SoC)
32-bit general-purpose microcontrollers based on the Arm
-M33 processor with
Trustzone. The Arm
-M33 processor includes two AHB buses known as Code and
System buses. All memory accesses of the Arm
-M33 processor are executed on
these two buses according to the different purposes and the target memory spaces. The
memory organization uses a Harvard architecture, pre-defined memory map and up to 4 GB
of memory space, making the system flexible and extendable.
Arm Cortex-M33 processor
The Cortex
-M33 processor is a 32-bit processor that possesses low interrupt latency and
low-cost debug. The characteristics of integrated and advanced make the Cortex
processor suitable for market products that require microcontrollers with high performance
and low power consumption. The Cortex
-M33 processor is based on the ARMv8 architecture
and supports a powerful and scalable instruction set including general data processing I/O
control tasks, advanced data processing bit field manipulations and DSP. Some system
peripherals listed below are also provided by Cortex
Internal Bus Matrix connected with Code bus, System bus, and Private Peripheral Bus
(PPB) and debug accesses
Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)
Breakpoint Unit (BPU)
Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT)
Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM)
Serial Wire JTAG Debug Port (SWJ-DP)
Trace Port Interface Unit (TPIU)
Arm® TrustZone® technology, using the ARMv8-M main extension supporting secure
and non-secure states
Memory Protection Unit (MPU),
supporting 8 regions for secure and 8 regions for non-
Configurable secure attribute unit (SAU) supporting up to 8 memory regions
Floating Point Unit (FPU)
DSP Extension (DSP)
Figure 1-1. The structure of the Cortex® -M33 processor
processor block diagram. For more information, please refer to the A rm
Technical Reference Manual.