GD32W51x User Manual
Flash memory controller (FMC)
For GD32W51x, the flash memory architecture is divided into FMC mode and QSPI mode.
For FMC mode, there is on-chip (SIP, system in package) flash. For QSPI mode, there is EXT
flash. The flash memory controller, FMC, provides all the necessary functions for the on-chip
Flash Memory. There also provide page erase, mass erase, and word program for flash
Two memory organizations:
Main :
FMC mode: SIP Flash (max: 2MB)
QSPI mode: EXT Flash (max: 32MB)
Information block : 256KB bootloader
FMC mode, the on-chip Flash pagesize is 4KB.
In QSPI mode, read by
FMC or QSPI interface and program/erase by QSPI interface.
Supports RTDEC (decrypt by AES real-time) fuction.
Supports program and read EFUSE (store AES key and initial registers).
Word programming, page erase and mass erase operation for FMC mode.
Security protection for
FMC mode/QSPI mode to prevent illegal code/data access.
Page erase/program protection to prevent unexpected operation for FMC mode.
System overview
The figure
Figure 2-1. FMC bus in GD32W51x
shows the location of FMC bus in the system.
In FMC mode, FMC supports CBUS interface (read-only, RTDEC), FMC registers (write-only).
In other words, SIP Flash can be read by CBUS interface with RTDEC fuction and write by
FMC REG interface.
In QSPI mode, QSPI supports QSPI REG interface (read-write), QSPI XIP interface (read-
only, no RTDEC) and CBUS interface (read-only, 0x0800 0000/0x0C00 0000, RTDEC). In
other words, EXT Flash can be read and write by QSPI REG interface, read by QSPI XIP
interface and read by CBUS interface with RTDEC fuction.
please refer to
RTDEC function.
Figure 2-1. FMC bus in GD32W51x