GD32W51x User Manual
TrustZone protection controller union (TZPCU)
This section describes the TrustZone® protection controller union. Three different sub-blocks,
TrustZone® security privilege controller (TZSPC), TrustZone® block-based memory
protection controller (TZBMPC) and TrustZone® illegal access controller (TZIAC), are used
to configure system security or privileg in a product with programmable-security and privileged
attributes. TZSPC is used to defines the secure/privilege state for securable slave/master
peripherals. TrustZone® mark memory protection controller (TZMMPC) do the security
checking of off-chip memories based on the size of non-secure area which is defined in
TZSPC. For the on-chip RAM, the security checking is done based on block level which is
configured by the TZBMPC through an AHB interface. TZIAC is used to enable all illegal
access events for slave/master peripherals in system. If an interrupt is enabled, a dedicated
interrupt signal is asserted and generates a secure interrupt towards NVIC whenever a
security violation is detected. The interrupt is cleared by writing to the appropriate register of
TZSPC, TZBMPC and TZIAC have independent 32-bit AHB interface.
For TZSPC, whether non-secure/non-privilege access is supported that is defined by
secure/privilege configuration registers.
For TZBMPC and TZIAC, only secure access is supported.
For securable slave/master peripherals, secure/privilege state is defined in TZSPC
For off-chip memories, the size of non-secure area is defined in TZSPC registers.
For on-chip RAM, the secure states of all blocks is defined in TZBMPC registers.
Function overview
Block diagram
Figure 9-1. Block diagram of TZPCU