GD32W51x User Manual
Parity control
Transmits parity bit
Checks parity of received data byte
LIN Break generation and detection
IrDA Support
Synchronous mode and transmitter clock output for synchronous transmission
ISO 7816-3 compliant smartcard interface
Character mode (T=0)
Block mode (T=1)
Direct and inverse convention
Multiprocessor communication
Enter into mute mode if address match does not occur
Wake up from mute mode by idle line or address mark detection
Support for ModBus communication
Timeout feature
CR/LF character recognition
Wake up from Deep-sleep mode
By standard RBNE interrupt
By WUF interrupt
Various status flags
Flags for transfer detection: Receive buffer not empty (RBNE), receive FIFO full
(RFF), Transmit buffer empty (TBE), transfer complete (TC).
Flags for error detection: overrun error (ORERR), noise error (NERR), frame error
(FERR) and parity error (PERR)
Flag for hardware flow control: CTS changes (CTSF)
Flag for LIN mode: LIN break detected (LBDF)
Flag for multiprocessor communication: IDLE frame detected (IDLEF)
Flag for ModBus communication: Address/character match (AMF) and receiver
timeout (RTF)
Flags for smartcard block mode: end of block (EBF) and receiver timeout (RTF)
Wakeup from Deep-sleep mode flag
Interrupt occurs at these events when the corresponding interrupt enable bits are
While USART0 and USART2 is fully implemented, USART1 is only partially implemented with
the following features not supported.
Auto baud rate detection
Smartcard mode
LIN mode
Dual clock domain and wakeup from Deep-sleep mode
Receiver timeout interrupt
ModBus communication