GD32W51x User Manual
TZMMPC1 (extern memory 1)
Non secure mark
2 (0~1)
The TZSPC is a TrustZone-aware peripheral, meaning that secure and non-secure registers
co-exist within the peripheral. An exception exists for the TZPCU_TZSPC_SAM_CFG and
TZSPC_PAM_CFG: any read access, secure or not, are supported. A dedicated
interrupt signal is asserted whenever a security violation is detected. The interrupt must be
enabled by TZIAC. The interrupt is cleared by writing to the appropriate register.
TrustZone® block based memory protection controller (TZBMPC)
The TZBMPC gates transactions to the AHB master interface when a security violation occurs.
TZBMPC is secure peripherals, thus systematically generate an illegal access event when
accessed by a non-secure access.
For block-based memory protection controller (internal SRAM0~3), the non-secure and
secure blocks are defined through:
In TZPCU_TZBMPCx_VECy every bit defines one block (256 byte is see one block)
secure state.
In TZPCU_TZBMPCx_LOCK0 every bit locks a union block (32 blocks).
y represents the number of union-blocks (union-block = 32 blocks of SRAM base block
size). On the devices, if the SRAM size is 64 Kbytes and the block size is 256 bytes, then
union-block size is 32 * 256 = 8 Kbytes and 64 / 8 -1 is 7 means y is 0~7. It means 8 vector
registers (32-bit) are needed and 8-bit lock register is needed.
describes the characteristics of the available TZBMPCx.
Table 9-3. TZBMPCx
Num ber of
Kind of m em ory interface
TZBMPC3 Block based (block size = 256 bytes)
768 (0~23)
SRAM3 (192KB)
TZBMPC2 Block based (block size = 256 bytes)
512 (0~15)
SRAM2 (128KB)
TZBMPC1 Block based (block size = 256 bytes)
256 (0~7)
SRAM1 (64KB)
TZBMPC0 Block based (block size = 256 bytes)
256 (0~7)
SRAM0 (64KB)
If the interrupt be enabled by TZIAC, an interrupt signal is asserted whenever a security
violation is detected. The interrupt is cleared by writing to the appropriate register.
TrustZone® illegal access controller (TZIAC)
TZIAC is secure peripherals, thus systematically generates an illegal access event when
accessed by a non-secure access.It is used only when TrustZone
enabled (TZEN = 1).
Correct settings of TZIAC allows the capture of the associated event and then generates the
TZIAC_ILA_IT interrupt to the NVIC. This applies for read, write and execute access. TZIAC
can trace which event has trigged the NVIC TZIAC_S_IRQn. Register