GD32W51x User Manual
011: Toggle on match. O0CPRE toggles w hen the counter matches the output
compare register TIMERx_CH0CV.
100: Force low . O0CPRE is forced low level.
101: Force high. O0CPRE is forced high level.
110: PWM mode0. When counting up, O0CPRE is active as long as the counter is
smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else inactive. When counting dow n, O0CPRE is
inactive as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else active.
111: PWM mode1. When counting up, O0CPRE is inactive as long as the counter
is smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else active. When counting dow n, O0CPRE is
active as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_C H0CV else inactive.
When configured in PWM mode, the O0CPRE level changes only w hen the output
compare mode sw itches from “Timing mode” mode to “PWM” mode or w hen the
result of the comparison changes.
This bit cannot be modified w hen PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is
11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00(COMPARE MODE).
Channel 0 compare output shadow enable
When this bit is set, the shadow register of TIMERx_CH0CV register, w hich updates
at each update event, w ill be enabled.
0: Channel 0 output compare shadow disable
1: Channel 0 output compare shadow enable
The PWM mode can be used w ithout validating the shadow register only in single
pulse mode (SPM bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register is set).
This bit cannot be modified w hen PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is
11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00.
Channel 0 output compare fast enable
When this bit is set, the effect of an event on the trigger in input on the
capture/compare output w ill be accelerated if the channel is configured in PWM0 or
PWM1 mode. The output channel w ill treat an active edge on the trigger input as a
compare match, and CH0_O is set to the compare level independently from the
result of the comparison.
0: Channel 0 output quickly compare disable. The minimum delay from an edge on
the trigger input to activate CH0_O
output is 5 clock cycles.
1: Channel 0 output quickly compare enable. The minimum delay from an edge on
the trigger input to activate CH0_O
output is 3 clock cycles.
Channel 0 I/O mode selection
This bit-field specifies the w ork mode of the channel and the input signal selection.
This bit-field is w ritable only w hen the channel is not active. (CH0EN bit in
TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset).).
00: Channel 0 is configured as output
01: Channel 0 is configured as input, IS0 is connected to CI0FE0
10: Channel 0 is configured as input, IS0 is connected to CI1FE0
11: Channel 0 is configured as input, IS0 is connected to ITS, This mode is w orking