GD32W51x User Manual
1: Data is transferred to the shift register. An interrupt w ill occur if the TBEIE bit is
set in USART_CTL0
Set by hardw are w hen the content of the USART_TDATA register has been
transferred into the transmit shift register or w riting 1 to TXFCMD bit of the
USART_CMD register.
Cleared by a w rite to the USART_TDA TA.
Transmission completed
0: Transmission is not completed
1: Transmission is complete. An interrupt w ill occur if the TCIE bit is set in
Set by hardw are if the transmission of a frame containing data is completed and if
the TBE bit is set.
Cleared by w riting 1 to TCC bit in USART_INTC register.
Read data buffer not empty
0: Data is not received
1: Data is received and ready to be read. An interrupt w ill occur if the RBNEIE bit
is set in USART_CTL0.
Set by hardw are w hen the content of the receive shift register has been
transferred to the USART_RDA TA.
Cleared by reading the USART_RDATA or w riting 1 to RXFCMD bit of the
USART_CMD register.
IDLE line detected flag
0: No Idle Line is detected
1: Idle Line is detected. An interrupt w ill occur if the IDLEIE bit is set in
Set by hardw are w hen an Idle Line is detected. It w ill not be set again until the
RBNE bit has been set itself.
Cleared by w riting 1 to IDLEC bit in USART_INTC register.
Overrun error
0: No Overrun error is detected
1: Overrun error is detected. An interrupt w ill occur if the RBNEIE bit is set in
USART_CTL0. In multibuffer communication, an interrupt w ill occur if the ERRIE
bit is set in USART_CTL2.
Set by hardw are w hen the w ord in the receive shift register is ready to be
transferred into the USART_RDA TA register w hile the RBNE bit is set.
Cleared by w riting 1 to OREC bit in USART_INTC register.
Noise error flag
0: No noise error is detected
1: Noise error is detected. In multibuffer communication, an interrupt w ill occur if
the ERRIE bit is set in USART_CTL2.
Set by hardw are w hen noise error is detected on a received frame.