GD32W51x User Manual
used for w akeup w ith address mark detection. The received frame, the MSB of
w hich is equal to 1, w ill be compared to these bits. When the ADDM bit is reset,
only the ADDR[3:0] bits are used to compare.
In normal reception, these bits are also used for character detection. The w hole
received character (8-bit) is compared to the ADDR[7:0] value and AMF flag is set
on matching.
This bit field cannot be w ritten w hen both reception (REN=1) and USART
(UEN=1) are enabled.
Receiver timeout enable
0: Receiver timeout function disabled
1: Receiver timeout function enabled
This bit is reserved in USART1.
Auto baud rate mode
00: Falling edge to rising edge measurement (measurement of the start bit)
01: Falling edge to falling edge measurement (the received frame must be in a
Start 10xxxxxx frame format)
10: Reserved.
11: Reserved
This bit field cannot be w ritten w hen the USART is enabled (UEN=1).
This bit is reserved in USART1.
Auto baud rate enable
0: Auto baud rate detection is disabled
1: Auto baud rate detection is enabled
This bit is reserved in USART1.
Most significant bit first
0: Data is transmitted/received w ith the LSB first
1: Data is transmitted/received w ith the MSB first
This bit field cannot be w ritten w hen the USART is enabled (UEN=1).
Data bit level inversion
0: Data bit signal values are not inverted
1: Data bit signal values are inverted
This bit field cannot be w ritten w hen the USART is enabled (UEN=1).
TX pin level inversion
0: TX pin signal values are not inverted
1: TX pin signal values are inverted
This bit field cannot be w ritten w hen the USART is enabled (UEN=1).
RX pin level inversion
0: RX pin signal values are not inverted
1: RX pin signal values are inverted
This bit field cannot be w ritten w hen the USART is enabled (UEN=1).