Command Reference
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 38
<ConnectorType>, <CalKitName>, <StandardType>,
<StandardLabel>, <TouchstoneFile>[, <FirstPort>, <SecondPort>]
Loads cal kit data for a calibration standard from a specified Touchstone file. A restric-
tion on the port assignment may be defined in addition.
Use the newer command
to be able to distin-
guish cal kits by label.
Setting parameters:
String parameter containing the name of the connector type.
String parameter containing the name of a calibration kit availa-
ble on the analyzer.
MMTHrough | MFTHrough | FFTHrough | MMLine | MMLine1 |
MMLine2 | MMLine3 | MFLine | MFLine1 | MFLine2 | MFLine3 |
FFLine | FFLine1 | FFLine2 | FFLine3 | MMATten | MFATten |
FFATten | MMSNetwork | MFSNetwork | FFSNetwork | MOPen |
FOPen | MSHort | FSHort | MOSHort | MOSHort1 | MOSHort2 |
MOSHort3 | FOSHort | FOSHort1 | FOSHort2 | FOSHort3 |
MREFlect | FREFlect | MMTCh | FMTCh | MSMatch | FSMatch
Standard types; for a description refer to table
String parameter addressing a particular calibration standard by
its label. An empty string means that no label is defined.
String parameter to specify name and directory of the Touch-
stone file to be loaded. A
file must be used for one-port
standards, a
file for two-port standards.
If no path is specified the analyzer searches the current direc-
tory, to be queried with
First port number (sufficient for one-port standards). If the port
numbers are omitted, the cal kit data is valid for all ports.
Second port number, for two-port standards. If the port numbers
are omitted, the cal kit data is valid for all ports.
MMEM:LOAD:CKIT:SDAT 'N 50 Ohm','Default
Kit',MOPEN,'Test data','test.s1p',1
Load the file Test.s1p from the current directory in order to
define the properties of an Open (m) standard in the cal kit
named "Default Kit" for the N 50 Ω connector type. Assign the
label "Test data" and specify that the standard data is valid for
port no. 1 only.
Setting only
Manual operation:
"Read .s1p File... / Read .s2p File..."
Connector and cal kit naming conventions:
SCPI Command Reference