GUI Reference
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 38
Make sure the required RFFE bus interfaces and GPIO ports are enabled by set-
ting the respective "Seq." flags in the "RFFE Config" dialog (see
face Settings and Command Execution"
The sequencer settings are only valid for the active channel. In case of a multiple
channel measurement, you have to configure each channel separately.
On a R&S
var. 03
, the sweep sequencer overwrites the currently
applied voltages and sets the related shunt resistances to the minimum possible
value (see
"RFFE Interface Voltage and Current Measurements"
on page 353 and
"GPIO Voltage and Current Measurements"
Proceed as follows:
1. For segmented sweeps, select the related sweep segment (see
2. Use the "Add" or "Insert" button to add a new step to the command/switch
sequence - either at the end of the existing sequence or above the selected step,
3. Make the appropriate settings in the sweep sequencer table:
a) Define the RFFE commands to be sent ("RFFE" columns)
b) Set the GPIO port voltages to be applied ("GPIO" columns)
c) Specify the delays to be introduced between subsequent commands/switches
and before the sweep (segment) start ("Wait" column)
4. Use "Delete" to remove the selected item or "Delete All" to clear or the command/
switch sequence.
5. Use "OK" to apply the settings and close the dialog or use "Cancel" to discard the
changes and close the dialog.
For segmented sweeps, this allows to select a sweep segment for which a command/
switch sequence shall be defined. For unsegmented sweeps only a single "Range" is
Remote command:
Unsegmented sweeps
Segmented sweeps:
RFFE columns (sweep sequencer table)
The cells in the "RFFE" columns allow to define the sequence of commands to be sent
over the respective RFFE interface. The command definition dialog (opened from the
ellipsis buttons) is described in
"Basic RFFE Interface Settings and Command Execu-
Channel Config Softtool