GUI Reference
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 38
Low Pass
Defines the signal shape of the simulated digital signal: toggles between ideal rectan-
gular shape ("Low Pass" = disabled, default) and a more realistic shape ("Low Pass" =
If enabled a single pole low pass filter is inserted into the simulated signal path, which
is defined using its
Rise Time / Rise Time Definition
Remote command:
Rise Time / Rise Time Definition
is defined by its "Rise Time" from 10% to 90% or from 20% to 80% of
the signal amplitude.
Note that the measured rise time after the DUT will also be affected by the rise time of
the DUT, so this measured rise time may not be equal to the setting made in this dia-
Remote command:
Define Colors
Opens a dialog that allows to change the color gradient of the eye diagram (as a heat
"Trace Cumulative Low Color" is the color that is used for the occurrence value 1,
"Trace Cumulative High Color" is the color that is used for the most frequent occurren-
ces. No occurrence (value 0) is always displayed fully transparent with the background
being visible.
OK / Cancel
"OK" enables/modifies the eye diagram, "Cancel" leaves the
out applying possible changes.
Remote command:
Advanced Settings Dialog
The "Advanced Settings" dialog gives full access to the calculation chain of the eye
diagram simulation.
Applic Softtool