Evaluation of line pressure test
Line pressure
Possible cause
Low pressure in every position
Worn oil pump
Oil leaking from oil pump, control valve body, and/or transaxle case
Pressure regulator valve sticking
Pressure control solenoid malfunction
Pressure modulator valve sticking
Solenoid reducing valve sticking
Low pressure in D and 2 only
Oil leaking from hydraulic circuit of forward clutch
Low pressure in 1 and R only
Oil leaking from hydraulic circuit of low and reverse brake
Low pressure in R only
Oil leaking from hydraulic circuit of reverse clutch
Higher than specification
Pressure control solenoid malfunction
Pressure regulator valve sticking
Pressure modulator valve sticking
Solenoid reducing valve sticking
Stall Test
1. S ta rt th e e n g in e .
2. S h ift th e s e le c to r le v e r to D range.
If the accelerator pedal is pressed for
longer than 5 seconds while the brake
pedal is pressed, the transaxle could be
damaged. Therefore, do steps 3 and 4
within 5 seconds of each other.
3. F irm ly d e p re s s th e b ra k e p e d a l w ith th e le ft fo o t,
a n d g e n tly d e p re s s th e a c c e le ra to r p e d a l w ith th e
4. W h e n th e e n g in e sp e e d no lo n g e r in cre a se s,
q u ic k ly read th e e n g in e sp e e d a n d re le a s e th e
a c c e le ra to r p e d a l.
5. S h ift th e s e le c to r to N p o s itio n a n d let th e e n g in e
idle fo r 1 m in u te o r m o re to c o o l th e ATF.
6. P e rfo rm stall te s ts fo r th e re m a in in g ra n g e s in th e
s a m e m anner.
(1) D ran g e
(2) R p o sitio n
(3) 2 range
(4) 1 range
Engine stall speed
ATF temperature:
60— 7 0
{1 4 0 — 1 5 8
Turn off all electrical loads
2 ,0 0 0 — 2 ,5 0 0
7. T u rn off th e en g ine .
Evaluation of stall test
Possible cause
Above specification
In all forward ranges and R
line pressure
Worn oil pump
Oil leaking from oil pump, control valve,
and/or transaxle case
Pressure regulator valve sticking
Pressure control solenoid malfunction
Pressure modulator valve sticking
In forward ranges
Forward clutch slipping
One-way clutch 1 slipping
In D range
One-way clutch 2 slipping
In 2 range
2 -4 brake band slipping
In 1 range and R position
Low and reverse brake slipping
In R position
Low and reverse brake slipping
Reverse clutch slipping
Perform road test to determine whether problem is low and
reverse brake or reverse clutch
• Engine breaking felt in 1 range: Reverse clutch
• Engine breaking not felt in 1 range: Low and reverse
Below specification
Engine out of tune
One-way clutch slipping within torque converter
0 5 -1 7 B -3
Summary of Contents for MX-6 1998
Page 1: ......
Page 501: ...STARTING SYSTEM 3 If not as specified replace the starter interlock switch 01 19 3...
Page 803: ...MANUAL TRANSAXLE W 6 U 5 1 5 W A C 05 15 7...
Page 983: ...SERVICE TOOLS 08 60 SERVICE TOOLS 08 RESTRAINTS S S T 08 60 1 08 RESTRAINTS SST 08 60 1...