4 Faults and alarms
4.2 List of faults and alarms
SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
List Manual, 09/2017, A5E33842890
6: If a Single Motor Module is being used as the first expansion axis, only one more Single Motor Module may be
connected (via X200 to X201 on the first Single Motor Module).
7: Only Sensor Modules may be connected to the corresponding DRIVE-CLiQ socket X202 on any Single Motor
Modules which may be present.
8: For a second Single Motor Module or for a Double Motor Module, it is not permissible to connect anything at X201.
9: If a Double Motor Module is used as an expansion axis, only Sensor Modules may be connected to X202 and
10: If a Terminal Module 54F (TM54F) is configured, only one DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module (DMC20, DME20) may be
connected to X501 of the TM54F module via DRIVE-CLiQ socket X500.
11: On the DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module, only Sensor Modules Cabinet (SMC) and Sensor Modules External (SME) may
be connected to X501 through X505.
12: Only certain Motor Modules may be used for expansion axes.
13: For an S120 Combi with 3 axes, nothing must be connected at the DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module at X503.
Evaluate the alarm value and ensure compliance with the corresponding topology rule(s).
Topology: Connection duplicated between two components
Message class:
Error in the parameterization / configuration / commissioning procedure (18)
When checking the actual topology, a ring-type connection was detected.
The fault value describes a component contained in the ring.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
ccbbaaaa hex:
cc = connection number (%3)
bb = component class (% 2)
aaaa = preliminary component number (%1)
Component class:
0: Component unknown.
1: Control Unit
2: Motor Module
3: Line Module
4: Sensor Module
5: Voltage Sensing Module
6: Terminal Module
7: DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module
8: Controller Extension
9: Filter Module
10: Hydraulic Module.
49: DRIVE-CLiQ component
50: Option slot
60: Encoder
70: DRIVE-CLiQ motor
71: Hydraulic cylinder
72: Hydraulic valve
80: Motor
Connection number:
0: Port 0, 1: Port 1, 2: Port 2, 3: Port 3, 4: Port 4, 5: Port 5
10: X100, 11: X101, 12: X102, 13: X103, 14: X104, 15: X105
20: X200, 21: X201, 22: X202, 23: X203
50: X500, 51: X501, 52: X502, 53: X503, 54: X504, 55: X505
Output the fault value and remove the specified connection.
Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics
capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison).