SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
List Manual, 09/2017, A5E33842890
Factory setting, 20
Acknowledgment, 995, 1000
Cause, 1000
Display, 992
Drive object, 1000
Explanation of list, 996
Fault location, 997
Fault reaction, 993, 1000
General, 992
How to distinguish a fault from an alarm, 992
List of all faults, 1003
Message class, 997
Message value, 997
Name, 997
Number, 996
Number range, 1001
Remedy, 1001
Fault value, 1000
Faults/alarms configuration, 980
Faults/alarms triggering (r2129), 980
Fixed speed setpoints, 846, 857
Fixed values, 963, 964
Free function blocks, 941
Friction characteristic, 939
Function diagram (parameters), 19
Function diagrams Dynamic Drive Control
Current control, overview (p0096 = 2), 923
Current setpoint (p0096 = 2), 930
Current/power/torque limits (p0096 = 2), 929
Field weakening characteristic, flux setpoint (ASM,
Field weakening controller (PMSM, p0300 = 2xx,
Field weakening controller, flux controller, Id setpoint
(ASM, p0300 = 1, p0096 = 2), 934
Id setpoint (PMSM, p0300 = 2xx, p0096 = 2), 932
Interface to the power module (ASM, p0300 = 1,
Interface to the power module (PMSM, p0300 = 2xx,
Iq and Id controller (p0096 = 2), 931
Moment of inertia estimator (p0096 = 2), 925
Speed control and generation of the torque limits,
Speed controller with Kp_n/Tn_n adaptation)
Speed setpoint, precontrol balancing, acceleration
Torque setpoint (p0096 = 2), 927
Vdc_max controller and Vdc_min controller (p0096 =
Function diagrams PROFIdrive, EtherNet/IP
EtherNet/IP - control word / status word
Overview, 759
PROFIdrive - AKTSATZ status word interconnection,
PROFIdrive - manufacturer-specific/free telegrams
PROFIdrive - MELDW status word interconnection,
PROFIdrive - POS_STW positioning control word
PROFIdrive - POS_STW1 positioning control word 1
PROFIdrive - POS_STW2 positioning control word 2
PROFIdrive - POS_ZSW positioning status
PROFIdrive - POS_ZSW1 positioning status word 1
PROFIdrive - POS_ZSW2 positioning status word 2
PROFIdrive - PZD receive signals interconnection,
PROFIdrive - PZD send signals interconnection, 768
PROFIdrive - receive telegram, free interconnection
PROFIdrive - SATZANW block selection
PROFIdrive - send telegram, free interconnection via
PROFIdrive - standard telegrams and process data
PROFIdrive - status words, free interconnection, 782
PROFIdrive - STW1 control word interconnection
PROFIdrive - STW1 control word interconnection
PROFIdrive - STW3 control word interconnection,
PROFIdrive - STW3 control word interconnection
PROFIdrive - ZSW1 status word interconnection
PROFIdrive - ZSW1 status word interconnection
PROFIdrive - ZSW2 status word interconnection
PROFIdrive - ZSW3 status word interconnection,