SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
List Manual, 09/2017, A5E33842890
4 Faults and alarms
4.2 List of faults and alarms
F01611 (A)
SI P1 (CU): Defect in a monitoring channel
Message class:
Safety monitoring channel has identified an error (10)
The drive-integrated "Safety Integrated" function on processor 1 has detected a fault in the data cross-check between
the two monitoring channels and has initiated a STOP F.
Fault F01600 (SI P1: STOP A initiated) is output as a consequence of this fault.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
0: Stop request from the other monitoring channel.
1 ... 999:
Number of the cross-compared data that resulted in this fault. This number is also displayed in r9795.
2: SI enable safety functions (p9601, p9801). Crosswise data comparison is only carried out for the supported bits.
3: SI F-DI changeover discrepancy time (p9650, p9850).
8: SI PROFIsafe address (p9610, p9810).
9: SI debounce time for STO (p9651, p9851).
1000: Watchdog timer has expired.
Within the time of approx. 5 x p9650, alternatively, the following was defined:
- the signal at F-DI continually changed with time intervals less than or equal to the discrepancy time (p9650/p9850).
- via PROFIsafe, STO (also as subsequent response) was continually selected and deselected with time intervals
less than or equal to the discrepancy time (p9650/p9850).
1001, 1002: Initialization error, change timer / check timer.
1950: Module temperature outside the permissible temperature range.
1951: Module temperature not plausible.
2000: Status of the STO selection for both monitoring channels different.
2001: Feedback signal of safe pulse suppression for both monitoring channels different.
2002: Status of the delay timer SS1 for both monitoring channels different (status of the timer in p9650/p9850).
2003: Status of the STO terminal for both monitoring channels different.
6000 ... 6166:
PROFIsafe fault values (PROFIsafe driver for PROFIBUS DP V1/V2 and PROFINET).
For these fault values, the fail-safe control signals (fail-safe values) are transferred to the safety functions.
6000: An internal software error has occurred (only for internal Siemens troubleshooting).
6064 ... 6071: error when evaluating the F parameter. The values of the transferred F parameters do not match the
expected values in the PROFIsafe driver.
6064: Destination address and PROFIsafe address are different (F_Dest_Add).
6065: Destination address not valid (F_Dest_Add).
6066: Source address not valid (F_Source_Add).
6067: Watchdog time not valid (F_WD_Time).
6068: Incorrect SIL level (F_SIL).
6069: Incorrect F-CRC length (F_CRC_Length).
6070: Incorrect F parameter version (F_Par_Version).
6071: CRC error for the F parameters (CRC1). The transferred CRC value of the F parameters does not match the
value calculated in the PROFIsafe driver.
6072: F parameterization is inconsistent.
6165: A communications error was identified when receiving the PROFIsafe telegram. The fault may also occur if an
inconsistent or out-of-date PROFIsafe telegram has been received after switching the Control Unit off and on or after
plugging in the PROFIBUS/PROFINET cable.
6166: A time monitoring error (timeout) was identified when receiving the PROFIsafe telegram.
For fault values 1 ... 999 described in "Cause":
- check the cross data comparison that resulted in a STOP F.
- carry out a POWER ON (switch-off/switch-on).
For fault value = 1000:
- check the wiring of the F-DI (contact problems).
- PROFIsafe: Remove contact problems/faults at the PROFIBUS master/PROFINET controller.
- check the discrepancy time, and if required, increase the value (p9650/p9850).