SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
List Manual, 09/2017, A5E33842890
2 Parameters
2.2 List of parameters
Sets the delay time up to restart.
This parameter setting is active for p1210 = 4, 6, 26.
For p1210 = 1, the following applies:
Faults are only automatically acknowledged in half of the waiting time, no restart.
Refer to: p1210, r1214
A change is only accepted and made in the state "initialization" (r1214.0) and "wait for alarm" (r1214.1).
The faults are automatically acknowledged after half of the delay time has expired and the full delay time.
If the cause of a fault is not removed in the first half of the delay time, then it is no longer possible to acknowledge in
the delay time.
Sets the monitoring time of the automatic restart (AR).
[0] = Restart
[1] = Reset start counter
Refer to: p1210, r1214
A change is only accepted and made in the state "initialization" (r1214.0) and "wait for alarm" (r1214.1).
After fault F07320 occurs, the switch-on command must be withdrawn and all of the faults acknowledged so that the
automatic restart function is re-activated.
For index 0:
The monitoring time starts when the faults are detected. If the automatic acknowledgments are not successful, the
monitoring time runs again. If, after the monitoring time has expired, the drive has still not successfully started again
(flying restart and magnetizing of the motor must have been completed: r0056.4 = 1), then fault F07320 is output.
The monitoring is deactivated with p1213 = 0. If p1213 is set lower than the sum of p1212, the magnetizing time
p0346 and the additional delay time due to the flying restart, then fault F07320 is generated at each restart. If, for
p1210 = 1, the time in p1213 is set lower than in p1212, then fault F07320 is also generated at each restart.
The monitoring time must be extended if the faults that occur cannot be immediately and successfully acknowledged
(e.g. for faults that are permanently present).
In the case of p1210 = 14, 16, the faults which are present must be acknowledged manually within the time in
p1213[0]. Otherwise, fault F07320 is generated after the set time.
For index 1:
The start counter (refer to r1214) is only set back to the starting value p1211 if, after successful restart, the time in
p1213[1] has expired. The delay time is not effective for fault acknowledgment without automatic restart (p1210 = 1).
After a power failure (blackout) the delay time only starts after the line supply returns and the Control Unit boots. The
start counter is set to p1211, if F07320 occurred, the switch-on command is withdrawn and the fault is acknowledged.
The start counter is immediately updated if the starting value p1211 or the mode p1210 is changed.
For p1210 = 26, the fault must have been successfully acknowledged and the switch-on command issued within the
time in p1213[0]. Otherwise, fault F07320 is generated after the set time.
Automatic restart delay time start attempts / AR t_wait start
Access level:
Data type:
Can be changed:
U, T
Dyn. index:
Unit group:
Unit selection:
Func. diagram:
Min Max
0.1 [s]
1000.0 [s]
1.0 [s]
Automatic restart monitoring time / AR t_monit
Access level:
Data type:
Can be changed:
U, T
Dyn. index:
Unit group:
Unit selection:
Func. diagram:
Min Max
0.0 [s]
10000.0 [s]
[0] 60.0 [s]
[1] 0.0 [s]