SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
List Manual, 09/2017, A5E33842890
4 Faults and alarms
4.2 List of faults and alarms
Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal):
ddccbbaa hex:
aa = 01 hex:
Power up was realized without data backup. The drive is in the factory setting.
aa = 02 hex:
The last available internal backup data record was loaded. The parameterization must be checked. It is
recommended that the parameterization is downloaded again.
aa = 03 hex:
The last available data record from the memory card was loaded. The parameterization must be checked.
aa = 04 hex:
An invalid data backup was loaded from the memory card into the drive. The drive is in the factory setting.
dd, cc, bb:
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
See also: p0971 (Save parameters)
- Download the project again with the commissioning software.
- save all parameters (p0971 = 1 or "copy RAM to ROM").
F01036 (A)
ACX: Parameter back-up file missing
Message class:
Hardware/software error (1)
When downloading the device parameterization, a parameter back-up file PSxxxyyy.ACX associated with a drive
object cannot be found.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
Byte 1: yyy in the file name PSxxxyyy.ACX
yyy = 000 --> consistency back-up file
yyy = 001 ... 062 --> drive object number
yyy = 099 --> PROFIBUS parameter back-up file
Byte 2, 3, 4:
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
If you have saved the project data using the commissioning software, carry out a new download for your project.
Save using the function "Copy RAM to ROM" or with p0971 = 1.
This means that the parameter files are again completely written into the non-volatile memory.
If the project data have not been backed up, then a new first commissioning is required.
F01038 (A)
ACX: Loading the parameter back-up file unsuccessful
Message class:
Hardware/software error (1)
An error has occurred when downloading PSxxxyyy.ACX or PTxxxyyy.ACX files from the non-volatile memory.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
Byte 1: yyy in the file name PSxxxyyy.ACX
yyy = 000 --> consistency back-up file
yyy = 001 ... 062 --> drive object number
yyy = 099 --> PROFIBUS parameter back-up file
Byte 2:
255: Incorrect drive object type.
254: Topology comparison unsuccessful -> drive object type was not able to be identified.
Reasons could be:
- incorrect component type in the actual topology
- Component does not exist in the actual topology.
- Component not active.