SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
List Manual, 09/2017, A5E33842890
Function diagrams, technology controller
Closed-loop control, 966
Fixed value selection binary (p2216 = 2), 963
Fixed value selection direct (p2216 = 1), 964
Motorized potentiometer, 965
Function diagrams, technology functions
DC braking (ASM, p0300 = 1), 940
Friction characteristic, 939
Function diagrams, vector control / U/f control
Application classes (p0096), overview, 888
Current control, overview, 905
Current setpoint filter, 906
Current/power/torque limits, 904
Display signals, 914
Field weakening characteristic, flux setpoint (ASM,
Field weakening controller (PMSM, p0300 = 2xx),
Field weakening controller, flux controller, Id setpoint
Flux controller configuration, 902
Id setpoint (PMSM, p0300 = 2), 908
Interface to the Power Module (ASM, p0300 = 1),
Iq and Id controllers, 907
Kp_n-/Tn_n adaptation, 894
Moment of inertia estimator, 892
Precontrol balancing, acceleration model, 891
Speed control and generation of the torque limits,
Speed control configuration, 901
Speed controller, 893
Speed setpoint, droop, 890
Torque setpoint, 895
U/f control, characteristic and voltage boost, 898
U/f control, overview, 897
U/f control, resonance damping and slip
U/f control, Vdc_max controller and Vdc_min
Upper/lower torque limit, 903
Vdc_max controller and Vdc_min controller (PM240),
About parameters, 12
on faults and alarms, 992
on function diagrams, 737
IASC, 994
Index (parameters), 20
Industrial security, 9
Internal control words, 801
Internal control/status words, 801
Abbreviations, 1233
ASCII table, 1230
Binector inputs (BI parameters), 708
Binector outputs (BO parameters), 714
Command data sets, 695
Connector inputs (CI parameters), 712
Connector outputs (CO parameters), 715
Connector/binector outputs (CO/BO parameters),
Drive data sets, 697
Encoder data sets, 706
Faults and alarms, 1003
Message ranges, 1001
Motor data sets, 703
Parameter ranges, 22
Parameters for quick commissioning, 724
Parameters for write protection and know-how
Parameters, all, 25
Power unit data sets, 706
List of abbreviations, 1233
Load monitoring, 967
MDS, Motor Data Set, 18
Message buffer, 980
Message class, 997
Message value, 997
Monitoring functions, 967
Motorized potentiometer, 846, 857, 965
Normalization, 17