SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
List Manual, 09/2017, A5E33842890
3 Function diagrams
3.20 Vector control, Dynamic Drive Control (p0096 = 2)
Vector control, Dynamic Drive Control (p0096 = 2)
Function diagrams
6820 – Speed control and generation of the torque limits, overview (p0096 = 2)
6821 – Current control, overview (p0096 = 2)
6822 – Speed setpoint, precontrol balancing, acceleration model (p0096 = 2)
6823 – Moment of inertia estimator (p0096 = 2)
6824 – Speed controller with Kp_n/Tn_n adaptation (p0096 = 2)
6826 – Torque setpoint (p0096 = 2)
6827 – Vdc_max controller and Vdc_min controller (p0096 = 2)
6828 – Current/power/torque limits (p0096 = 2)
6832 – Current setpoint filter (p0096 = 2)
6833 – Iq and Id controllers (p0096 = 2)
6836 – Id setpoint (PMSM, p0300 = 2xx, p0096 = 2)
6837 – Field weakening characteristic, flux setpoint (ASM, p0300 = 1, p0096 = 2)
6838 – Field weakening controller, flux controller, Id setpoint (ASM, p0300 = 1, p0096 = 2)
6839 – Field weakening controller (PMSM, p0300 = 2xx, p0096 = 2)
6841 – Interface to the Power Module (ASM, p0300 = 1, p0096 = 2)
6842 – Interface to the Power Module (PMSM, p0300 = 2xx, p0096 = 2)